Anything You Wanna Know About Us?

Hiya Lovelies!

So I updated our About Us page. I figured it was time (4 years and counting). Also, we figured if Mr. Sartorialist himself didn’t know what “Cajun” meant, others might wonder too. Add the “Asian” in front of the “Cajun” and then you’ve got people really confused.

I’m not sure if anyone actually checks out our “About Us” page, but if you do/did, are there other things we haven’t answered? Seriously, ask away! We’ll do a post with some of the questions and answers, and post all of the Q and A up on our “About Us” page – flesh it out a bit.

In the meantime, here’s a collage of weekend pics to keep your eyes occupied while you think of some questions:


15 thoughts on “Anything You Wanna Know About Us?”

  1. that’s a beautiful vase – love the quirky moustache man on it. loving those colours too on your nails. I’m crazy about turquoise right now.

  2. I think the “About Us” page looks good – just enough information.

    Also, I was at the Decatur Arts Festival on Sunday and spotted you and Cath under a tree with Wheatie! Was too shy to go up to say hi but you gals look great in person too! =)Hope you both are staying cool during this hot Atlanta summer!

    1. Awesome! Definitely next time you see us, say hi! πŸ™‚ Hope you had fun at the Arts Fest!

  3. I wanna know if mom and dad ever made you dress the same all the time when you were little and if you ever find yourself wearing the same thing anymore! πŸ™‚

  4. These are some Great pics! I am seriously Loving your nails!
    Yes, I got the romper at H&M last week actually. I just posted a pic of one of my sock monkeys right after you left your comment lol.

  5. Good questions so far from the commenters. I would like to know if you ladies take Mastercard, since your logo reminds me of theirs.

    But seriously, I think you’ve got everything covered you need in the “About Us” page. As a general comment, I would like to see a post about the evolution of your style, since you were both once Band/Orchestra “geeks.”

  6. Awwww, even though we met only once, I feel like you girls and I are fast friends I kind of miss you.

    Having an updated “About” section is really helpful, and also kind of. like giving me my fill.

    Wheatie is so cute! He definitely has a bit of a Max face, doesn’t he? I’m so sad that you can’t keep him. Or am I wrong about that one?

    Mae Lu @ thereafterish.!

  7. Fun new page! It’s surprising what you have to fill people in on. Some people ask me how I “get my hair to do that” (it’s naturally curly).

    I can’t imagine all the confusion about your blog title. It was clear as day to me, and fun/unique πŸ™‚

  8. I just discovered your blog and have been spending a lot of time on it. I look at many many blogs and most don’t make the cut into my Safari favorites bar. Yours does.

    I have an important question: how tall are you? I specifically look for bloggers who share my proportions/height so I can have style inspirations that will work on me. For example, I don’t follow those models-in-their-offtime blogs because at 5’4″ it is pointless for me to try and go for their looks.

    So that would be something useful in the “about us” page. Maybe as well as age but that is far less important I think as you can tell you’re young (which I’m not). ; )

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