
Well really just one puppy. Sorry to get you excited with the plural. But isn’t he soooo cute???

And he isn’t really ours. He stumbled up onto our porch yesterday and we got to keep him and feed him and watch him pee on the floor a lot for about 48 hours.

So why the hell am I killing you guys with obnoxious-chain-email-like images of cuteness? Well, it kind of explains why AC has been a little quiet lately. Just when I think things are settling down at work or I think I’m used to the fact that I’m married (What?! Oh right. Wait, me?!) and living in a new neighborhood, something like this happens. Puppies on the porch.

Matt and I have spent the last few weeks meshing my (very girlie) stuff with his (very grad student) stuff, while working over-time at work and making future plans. Exciting stuff for sure (sorry to sound like a debbie downer over fun stuff), but stressful!

So I was kind of stressed out over this fella. We are already looking for new owners for our adorable doggie Toby (sniffles) because Matt and I will be moving early fall (have I mentioned that yet?). So we couldn’t take in another pup even though it breaks my heart not to.

My new neighborhood has a ton of strays. Well, that’s the tricky part, they aren’t really strays. They belong to families who might not be so inclined to take care of a litter of pups, or they can’t afford to. This afternoon, just after my little photo shoot with the puppy, a little boy in the neighborhood knocked on the door and said it was his uncle’s dog’s puppy, so we had to give him back and hope for the best.

(Above) that big head to the right belongs to our rescue Toby. He was sooo excited to have a new playmate.

Sorry, is this too depressing a story for a Friday? I promise we have some good things in store for the rest of the weekend like a giveaway and a Kate and William party! So I leave you with one more cute puppy photo for the road:

13 thoughts on “Puppies!!!”

  1. Oh my gosh he’s so adorable!! But understandable that pets can be stressfulwhen my parents go out of town I have to take care of their cats and one of them needs half a pill in the morning and again at night and if he doesn’t get fed when he wants to he goes to the bathroom wherever he pleases. What a mess! This little tike looks super cute though 🙂

  2. AWWWWW, little Chow Chow. Reminds me a bit of Max. He had a black face and black ears and dark, dark brown fur when he was a baby.

    I’m glad he has a home to head back to. I’m so sorry about Toby! I thought you could keep him?? 🙁

    Mae Lu @ thereafterish.!

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