The Weekend Haps

Things have been a bit crazy the past few days for Lar and me – a wedding, a funeral, a trip to Montana, and family visiting from Maryland. I have a couple of outfit posts in the works, but for now, here’s a few fun photos from the past week:

A close up of my Toms near an okra plant at Stone Mountain Park.

It doesn’t get more AsianCajun than this: Cafe du Monde chicory coffee sold at a Doraville Asian market.

Our friends’ wedding reception was at Cafe Alsace – one of the sweetest restaurants in downtown Decatur.

Dexin looked gorgeous as a bride, but my bf (who took this photo) was more interested in the French beer at Cafe Alsace, which turned out to taste like a watery Belgium.

We took our aunts out for tea at Dr. Bombay’s in Candler Park.

Dr. Bombay’s might not have the most elegant tea setting, but I love its bird-cage and book-filled interior.

Lar is on her way to Scotland in two days – I’m so jealous! Let’s hope British Airways doesn’t go on strike!

14 thoughts on “The Weekend Haps”

  1. 2 things: 1. love cafe alsace. 2. thanks for posting the okra plant picture b\c i planted okra a month or 2 ago, and thought i had weeds growing, but nope, i’m really growing okra!

  2. Wow, you girls have had quite the weekend! Your friend looks gorgeous on her wedding day and what a cute setting for a reception! She’s going to Scotland?? I’m so envious, too:P

  3. I love these photos! It sounds like you two have had an interesting time in the last few days. And Scotland! Man, I’m jealous of Lar too.

  4. Wow, I’m jealous! How long will she be in Scotland??

    What a great wedding reception idea. It’s unique and has lots of rock and roll type of character. I agree, she is a lovely bride. I love weddings.

    Was there dancing there? Do you have more photos of the wedding?

    Mae Lu, thereafterish.

  5. I love your little hints of asian influences in your life. I’m always looking for asian snacks like Pocky and Dim Sum that remind me of my childhood!


  6. Pack warm LAR!!! ha ha ha and have fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Get some nice Scottish knits (jumpers lol)
    Love the birdcages and books too – beautiful photos

  7. these are great pictures! love the black birdcage pic.
    the style and musings of a fashion lawyer living, playing and shopping in LA.

  8. Wow, what a busy weekend! Aside from the funeral (sorry to hear about that.), it seems like you’re both having lots of fun. And Scotland! Good Lord am I jealous! ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. hi lovelies. youve been missed!!!! nice photos! i want to see what you wore to the wedding ๐Ÿ˜‰ i would love to drink tea with you- ive been drinking lots of tea the latest three daysits so good- green tea with cherry taste.
    have a wonderful week


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