My New Home

I haven’t decorated yet, but I took a few quick shots of my new home:

Outside: New Orleans style patio.

Heavenly bed (that’s a faux fur throw at the foot of my bed that I lurve year round- even in Hotlanta weather).

Mid-century couch and coffee table (these are much more Cath’s style, but they didn’t fit in her apartment. That couch could comfortably sleep Yao Ming). All the artwork is just temporarily propped up until I can do something a little more exciting to the walls.

Me, oh-so-casually-posed, on “my” patio.

Now, how did I land such a gorgeous place 10 minutes from downtown Decatur/25 minutes to the heart of the ATL? It’s. well, it’s. my parents’ house. And to be more accurate, the basement of my parents’ house (hence the yellow-tinged interior shots- I only have one full-sized widow down there).

No matter how pretty/luxurious the place is, it’s no 20-something’s dream to live in their parents’ basement. Before I start collecting comic books and spending my days by the glow of my computer, I plan to save as much as I can. There’s the boring stuff: car up-keep, trips to the dentist, etc., but the fun stuff (travel, travel and more travel) is the real reason I’m here. Backpacking through Central Asia and (fingers-crossed) northern Africa, is not going to pay for itself.

Also, apart from it being a gorgeous place to live and a great place to save, there are plenty of perks: one of them being Mr. Boo Radley (see above).  I also (knock on wood), get along with my ‘rents really well. It helps to have parents who don’t mind you mooching for a few months so that you can run around the world for a little while.

Cath is about 10 minutes away from me, in a really cute little apartment. She’ll share pics once she gets unpacked and she lets me over there with a camera. (Miss you, Kitcath!)

17 thoughts on “My New Home”

  1. Adorable place!!! I love being back home, to mingle and bond more with my bros and to be able to cook for them.
    So, you’ll be traveling alot huh? Im JEALOUS, Im so wishing to be able to move to France. some day.

  2. i love that couch and the art just leaning against the wall actually looks really good. and i love the backyard patio decor. and how wonderful for you to go travel around the world. i would totally do the same but the hubs won’t go for it. i did ask him at one time. can we move to my parents so we can travel more. he said no.

  3. Hi, Lar, I love your new place. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with living with the ‘rents if the result is travel! My life long dream is to travel the world. I’ve only been to Europe once, and that was enough to set a bug. I think the Husby and I are going to his homeland (Scotland/UK) this October and we’ll probably stop by the Isle of Egg to visit his ancestral home. And we’ll probably do England and Ireland. We may do a honeymoon in Iceland, too.

    Next year we’re moving to Oahu to fulfill our recent dream of living in paradise filled with people of our culture. If it works out, our kids will learn their own language and about their heritage in the way the Huz and I never got to.

    Until then, we’re scrimping and saving and totally NOT going out and enjoying life. It’s pretty miserable at times, actually. But greater goal! 🙂

    PS. if you don’t mind, would you edit your URL link in your blogroll for thereafterish? The new style site is more in line with my goals for blogging. BTW, the old site is still around, but only in a personal capacity, so I’d be honoured if you girls still read it or keep it in your readers.

  4. Your place looks gorgeous. I live at home with my parents and I’m saving up to buy my own place in 2-3 years–not exactly easy in Canada’s most expensive real estate market. Luckily my traditional Asian parents prefer it that way; if it were up to my mom I wouldn’t move out until I’m married like a “good Chinese girl” should.

  5. Congrats on the big move! I don’t know what you’re talking about by not really decorated yet. Looks pretty great to me! Although I moved in November and I still have unpacked boxes. : S. I know what you mean about travel saving there’s no way I would have been able to visit half the places I’ve seen if I lived away from home on my own. It’s just SO expensive! Luckily, my family is pretty understanding : ) I’ll grow up one day haha. The flower arrangement on your patio is beautiful! Spring is here!

  6. I think your parents’ place looks wonderful! And I enjoyed my one year plus living at home–I got to reap the rewards of no rent and reduced costs of feeding myself. It sounds like the money saved will go to worthwhile and exciting things!

  7. Your place is BEAUTIFUL! I would feel so relaxed and inspired visiting it. lol, but where are your coffee table books!? =D

  8. It looks great; the bedroom has a wonderful shabby chic vibe that I really love. Propping up the art is perfect.

  9. Hi Lar!!!! Aww your place looks super cute! I would never have guessed it was at your parents. At least your have your own “space”. And it’s good that you get along with your parents too. 🙂 Me and my hubby rent a little cottage on my parents property. and although we could totally live in their home with them rent-free, I refuse to give up my personal and private space well, especially because I’m married and sometimes I like to walk around in my underwear ha ha!!

    Anyway, I hope you are doing great. and say Hi to Cath too! Big Hugs girlies. ooo and big hug to Boo Radley too! Cutie Patootie!

    xx Love & Aloha
    ***I have a giveaway going on, check it out!***

  10. It looks beautiful, and don’t worry, I’m living at home too. In my parents vacation house actually. Love that couch by the way. Also, you’re going to back pack through africa? you are truly badass darlin.

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