No Heels. Gulp.

The shoe:

Cath and I mentioned Bensimon shoes over two years ago on AsianCajuns when they came stateside. You can now get them online at Shopbop and Moxsie and at Madewell.

Notice the lack of a heel.

You know Cath and I favor tall shoes. Me especially. My tallest are close to 6 inches, the shortest roughly 2.5 inches (not including necessary flipflops, etc.). We wear them because of our petite stature, but also I love the way they look. I can’t get excited about buying flats.

That said, I can’t walk miles in those gorgeous wooden/leather skyscrappers. So I’m trying to convince myself that I like ranch houses.

Ladies, which do you prefer for yourselves (flats vs. heels) and why? Gents, aren’t you glad that you no longer have to wear heels?

ps- Thanks for all the lovely comments about the art history/photography post!

43 thoughts on “No Heels. Gulp.”

  1. Someday, when you have nothing better to do, rent Rosemary’s Baby. Turn off the sound so you are not distracted by the creepy story, and check out Mia Farrow’s low heeled and flat shoes. You may come away with a fresh perspective.

    1. Hahaha! I will certainly do this P.C.! I’ve always meant to watch this movie- even with the sound on! But I have a sinking feeling that Mia would tower over me in flats even if I wore my six-inchers 😉

      1. Interestingly, I got to take Mia Farrow around Emory back in 2007 and she’s only 5′ 4″! It’s the illusion of an elongated leg thanks to short shorts. Hem line makes all the difference to us shorties!

  2. I am a flats lady all the way. At a towering 5’3”, I am alot steadier on foot with flats and I feel more at peace-if that makes any sense. Plus, with my wardrobe (homemade, flowy circle skirts), flats make more sense. I do, however, envy the ladies around Atlanta that can pull off wearing heels. The last time I did, which was sometime in March at the opening of this new, fairly sketchy club in Midtown (that was offering free vodka drinks all night- something even the old lady-ish of girls couldn’t pass up), I was in immense, terrifying pain that resulted in lots of barefooted-ness.

    1. I totally know what you mean about feeling more at peace in flats. I feel more powerful in heels (I like to stomp around), but they are literally not as grounding. Oh! And free vodka cocktails?! How did we miss this?!

      1. I actually fell wearing my Toms, which was kind of heartbreaking, but I’m not blaming the shoes, I blame the slick stairs of Georgia State University. I do have some heel-ish flats that I’ll wear to feel semi-empowered but otherwise, my klutzy body can usually barely walk gracefully in flat shoes. Even then it’s a toss up as to whether I will fall or not. Also, the free vodka drinks were at this place called the ER Lounge near 12th street and Crescent. Aside from the free drinks, the club was full of Jersey Shore look-alikes, bad DJs, mirrored walls, and a pole for girls to dance on. It wasn’t the classiest of institutions, but the free drinks definitely helped!

  3. awi don’t think i can answer your question! flats no doubt save the day but no woman can live without her favorite knock-em-dead mankiller heels. I do have a pair of Bensimons tho from 2 yrs ago and i LOVE them still.

  4. I’m a heels girl, but I didn’t pack any and haven’t worn them in three months! There’s a distinct attitude difference when you get the right pair of heels on that has no substitute. I’m also a shorty, but I rather enjoy that, so wearing heels doesn’t help with that. I’m not a big fan of flats, but I enjoy flat oxfords and flat boots and some sneakers. Flat sandals are growing on me. And I still can’t wear heels for long distances, so sometimes I must make an exception.

    1. Ooo I like a good oxford too and am currently on the look-out for the right proportioned flat boot. And I’m so glad you enjoy being a shorty too- I have a love/hate with my 5’3ness daily which might explain my shoe problem.

  5. i am a heel lover as i am super short. but flats are my friends. i love my sperrys and all my gladiator sandals.

  6. i used to LOVE heels. but after living in NYC for 4 years and walking everywhere my feet can’t take it. i need flats! but hopefully i will be moving soon and can start wearing my heels again 😛

  7. I am definitely team heels. I think it’s b/c I am short, too, but I also like the feeling of wearing tall heels. It makes me feel more feminine, in control, somehow sexier. Plus, I absolutely HAVE to wear flats to work, so I kind of equate the two. 🙂

  8. Not sure I CAN’T do heels. If I do, they’re like, chucks or cute flats I am a comfort sort of girl after the 8-5. so I do need flats, but I’m not sure I like these kids of flats.

  9. There was a period of two years where I loved flats. I’d only wear flats. But I never got rid of my heels. I’m glad I still kept them because I wear them all the time. I’m too clumsy to wear heels higher than 3.5″ though. That would be a disaster.

  10. OhmygoshIlovethoseshoes!

    I like heels because they make my legs look longer and whenever I wear them I feel fierce 😉 But I’m usually in flats or cute sneakers because I bike, walk or take the metro everywhere and flats are easier to get around in.

  11. I’m only 5’3″ but I tend to wear flats all the time. Vancouver is a commuting/walk/bike/take transit sort of city and I like how free I feel when I’m in flats, like I can explore and walk to my heart’s content.

  12. haha your post title is funny. For me, it would’ve been “Heels. Gulp.” LOL! I love heels but I require shoes with arches!

  13. I am super short, yet I am in flats almost all the time. Probably because most of the time I am hopping on buses to get to uni, so heels aren’t really an option! I like the Polaroid pic, at first I thought it was you guys!

  14. I love my Bensimons!

    And while I do love how a good heel looks, it’s just never practical for my lifestyle. I work on my feet and walk 5-40 minutes between classes around downtown on schooldays so yeah. Sad.

  15. that shoes look so comfy!
    to me it depends
    i usually wear flats to campus
    only one times a week i think, i wear heels to school
    but i frequently wear heels for going out 🙂
    have a great weekend

  16. Whoa, 6 inches? That’s crazy. I could dunk if I had 6 inch Jordans.

    As a boy, I’m always fascinated by high heels-like seeing a girl run in a pair-how do you guys do that? But there’s something to be said about a girl who rocks a pair of cool sneakers.

    I think it’d be awesome if you walked around the yurt in Mongolia in a pair of heels. Maybe not comfortable, but awesome certainly.

  17. Team heels, as well, like Ashley for much the same reasons! Am surprising myself, though, that I want to buy a nice pair of strappy flat sandals for my summer skirts. A first for me.

  18. im a sneakers girl.
    i cant walk in heels. not high heels anywaydont know if there is an point in trying.- since its bad for the feet-knees and everything- so i think i might just continue with the sneakers.- way more comfortable at least.


  19. Although I love heels with a passion. because standing at only 5’4″ who wouldn’t, I love flats just the same. I don’t discrimiate. I love shoes! All kinds. okay that’s a lie, not all kinds. you’ll never see me wearing crocs or brikenstocks. It’s just not my thing. but I guess if I had to choose, I’d pick a heel. instant lift and instant lbs lost! Woohoo!

    xx Love & Aloha

  20. Those are really cute for being flats. I love having a few trusty pairs of flats in my closet. As another blogger mentioned recently, I swear they help me to get MORE use out of my heels, because I’ll actually plan to do a switch when I get to work. Win!

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