Oh My Gaga! Lady Gaga for American Vogue

Click photos to enlarge. Photo credit.

Apologies if 1) you’ve already spied these Lady Gaga/Annie Leibovitz wonders in the December American Vogue and/or 2) you are sick of hearing me ramble on about Lady Gaga. I think it’s turned into a little (teeny, baby) obsession.

I’m usually more of an indie rock girl than anything else, but I can’t stop watching for her next outfit and listening to her latest release. You know how everyone dressed as Lady Gaga for Halloween this year (including yours truly)? Well, I did it not because I thought it was a good excuse to wear a leotard out in public or to see what I looked like blond, but because I truly think she is kind of awesome.

I like her because she’s not a hypocrite (former pop princesses that sold sex appeal more than musical talent, and stressed “saving yourself” for marriage always left me scratching my head), she’s not into being catty towards other women, and she is a huge champion of gay rights. Oh yeah, and she can sing and she pushes the boundaries of fashion and wearable art.

I think I feel kind of bashful whenever I listen to too much pop music, but when it’s good, it’s good- right? Are you guys gaga for Gaga like moi?

27 thoughts on “Oh My Gaga! Lady Gaga for American Vogue”

  1. i heart lady g. at first i didn’t but her “antics” and out of the ordinary outfits and behaviors always have me giving her ounces of more respect than i pour out for some of these other poptarts (such a cliche word to use.i know).(my not-so-)secret-anymore slight obssession is miley cyrusforgive me.i say that with as little amounts of shame as i can

  2. I don’t like her music so much (or the things she says about her funky mask being a contemporary art piece) but after she covered John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ at the Human Rights Campaign, I’ve looked at her with less adversity. 🙂

  3. I like how she looks completely different from everyone else. She looks like someone who would have a whale of a time deciding what to wear every morning. It’d be interesting to know how much of that is her and how much is her stylist and how much is it her marketing/PR people. Anyway, perhaps I’m being overly suspicious of the whole celebrity making machine.

  4. I’m planning to check it out! I’m glad you liked my drawings. Hey, have you guys ever considered going to New York fashion week? I am thinking about going to the next one, which is February 11-18, 2010. It would be fun to meet you there.

  5. I’m o.b.s.e.s.s.e.d. with Lady G. Seriously, I love her. Her whole album is awesome.my current faves are “I Like it Rough” and “Money Honey.” 🙂

    Your costume was great!

  6. Alright, I am definitely not into Gaga: I like pants too much. BUT. I have to say that I respect her for precisely the three reasons you mentioned:
    1. Not a hypocrite (specially regarding sexuality)
    2. Not catty
    3. Outspoken pro gay rights

  7. God, I feel the same.
    I like her because she doesn’t care what other people thing about her.
    I like her clothes, is crazuy, I know, but is good have some crazynes in our lives.
    Love her, all the time!


  8. I do NOT listen to pop music. But Gaga’s album had me at “poker face”. I love her campiness and stretching the limits but still not seeming to be too overly ho-ish. She can pull anything off and is really enjoying herself.oh and she is classicly trained and can actually sing.

  9. Gaga is the bomb! 🙂 I listen to way too much pop music than a 27 year old should be allowed!! ha ha. My hubby acutally got me hooked on Gaga. he loved her long before I did. We also incorporated a few of her songs (Just Dance, Beautiful Dirty Rich, Money Honey.), when we got introduced as Mr & Mrs, Starstuck was blasting! It was quite awesome. 🙂

    Thank you lovely ladies for all your comments on my blog too!! I would love to make some skirts for you. 🙂

  10. YES! I, too, recently have begun paying attention to the Gaga. Just the other I was watching all her videos on youtube for the first time. She is pretty fascinating! Thanks for posting these pics; I had no idea about them! Is this a Hansel & Gretel interpretation?

  11. Oh my gosh, I hadn’t seen these. These are amazing. Seriously, talent and imagination like this is definitely innate, gosh AL must’ve been more amazing. Thanks for sharing, hon!

  12. i totally love her too, and it’s so not my usual taste.i love how daring she is, that she really doesn’t give a sh*t what anyone thinks about her.she is a true individual and I really don’t think she does it for the attentionplus i met her former dj in nawlins and he was awesome!

  13. She is totally this generation’s Madonna, but with more grace. She is who she is and that is one of the things I love about her. It was a little hard for me to get behind her at first because I am also an indie lover, but she seems genuine and talented and just all around awesome.

  14. If I had kids I think I’d limit their exposure to the gagaster until they could handle it.:) But I do really like her, her music and especially the way that she is removed from tabloid drama (mostly).

  15. I love this editorial! Like you, I’m more of a rock gal, but I do admire her, because I think she’s very different from the usual pop princesses. I have huge respect for her, because she was actually a well established songwriter, before she decided to sing her own songs. Most artists out there are merely performers, whereas she actually does work as a songwriter, musician and performer. I think most people dismiss her as a vapid pop star when they see her, but I can understand why she created this image of herself. It’s not any different to KISS or Alice Cooper.

  16. love the one of her in the furnance! thank god for lady gaga- i’m sick of all these cookie cutter pop princesses. its about time us girls had someone interesting to worship.

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