Bright Star


Catherine and I are both girly girls. Okay, I might be girlier (see above outfit for proof). That doesn’t mean I adore pink and ruffles, I just like a bit of softness and beauty every once and a while- not exactly the trend at the moment. I mean, I’ve embraced the studs, bandage dresses, leather, flannel and cut-offs of the last couple of seasons, but I get really excited when I see something unabashedly feminine. 

Earlier this week we took our mom to see Bright Star, a gorgeous movie by Jane Campion about John Keats’ love, Fanny Brawne. The music, the scenery, the clothes, the art direction, the acting- everything in this movie is beautiful. Watch the trailer here. This movie isn’t snarky or action-packed or gory, nor does it contain a single vampire or zombie- but I love it for that. I had forgotten what it was like just to revel in something that is beautiful and true (their love story isn’t a fairy tale and is based on real letters between Keats and Brawne).

Fashionistas, you’ll enjoy Fanny’s costumes most of all (see the photos below). Who doesn’t love a Regency era fashion designer? Apparently a present-day Keats would have totally swooned over our blogs. Yeah. I’ll keep this thing up if I get a sonnet it out of it. 






Get thee to a movie theater and watch it. You too, gentlemen readers- especially if you like literature and/or history. I think more of this sort of thing in everyone’s life  balances out all the turdiness that life can throw your way. (Did I just write “turdiness”? Oh yes, Keats would have loved this blog).

Happy Friday, Everyone!!!

21 thoughts on “Bright Star”

  1. I love costume dramas for the clothes, but sometimes I find the movies in themselves to be a little much. too many sweeping wings of doves, too much cheesy violin, too many castles and moors.

    And I’m a girly-girl too, but only to some extent. I really like your take on the style!

  2. Looks like a lovely movie, although I’ll admit it wouldn’t be my first choice, but it does look lovely none-the-less. This is one of those movies you have to see with a girlfriend or a bunch of other women.

  3. wow, definitely putting that on my to-do list! And i’m with you on the whole girly vs. “the trend” thing I’ve been dressing too rocker-ish lately had to wear a dress today to remember that I am a female 🙂

  4. I’ve been on a Jane Austen kick lately because I bought Persuasion, and I feel so feminine reading her words. It makes me ache to watch period dramas with long, full dresses and frilly umbrellas and parasols.

    Thanks for the recommend.

    I’m girly, too, to a point. But outwardly only. I’m a big ol’ tomboy/nerd inside. Gimme video games and movies over shopping and dressing up any day!

    Hey, I thought summer was over for you!!

  5. Ahh Keats. One time I thought it’d be a great idea to send a girl a sonnet. It totally backfired and came out all cheesey. I guess that’s what happens when you go to an all boys’ high school.

    and not to be a jerkstore about the whole ‘winter’ thing, but shorts is pushin it lady. (really I’m just sad about having to go back to Detroit in November.)

  6. You look adorable. And that movie looks great! I love that kind of film, so now I just need to convince Joe that “Casino” and “Gangs of New York” are not allowed to monopolize our Netflix queue.

  7. Swoooon to your fringed booties and OMG I can’t WAIT to see Bright Star. Looks so romantic. I may act like a jaded NYer, but I’m a soft mushie on the inside 🙂 P.S. Thanks for your lovely comment about my anniversary post! I am allowed to be mushy ONCE a year now. right?

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