Goodbye Summer!


So I finally got around to adding a few photos under the Cath Style page. The images are from a weekend trip I took to Savannah with my bf in the summer, which is fitting because I think, given the weather this week, the long Atlanta summer is officially over. Today was rainy and chilly. I got completely soaked wearing opened-toed heels and a skirt. I need to follow Lar’s example and start unpacking my winter clothes.


I’ll try to remember to update the Cath Style page more often and get Lar to do the same.

PS: Lar and I just went to see Bright Star tonight. For those of you who love the regency era, period films, Keats, poetry, beautiful scenery, attention to detail and/or brilliant acting, go see this film!

17 thoughts on “Goodbye Summer!”

  1. Your legs go for miles in these shorts and sandals! I am really looking forward to seeing Bright Star. I loved him in Perfume so can’t wait to see him in this.

  2. This look gives tourists a good name, unlike so many I end up seeing 😉 I’ve now finally decided to let summer go as well and embrace Fall, as the temps have dropped dramatically here as well sigh.

  3. Oh boo hoo, it SNOWED all day here yesterday. ; ) But serious, Cath, I’m excited to explore more of your looks. This one is just killer!

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