Lar in the Garden (District)


So you know about Louisiana humidity. It turns out it’s great for your hair. Especially if you wear it wrapped up while it’s wet and then let it go. If there’s not humidity in the air my hair has a minimal wave. with humidity it does this mermaidy thing. I love NOLA!


For most of the trip I’ve packed boots and dresses (I’d wear this uniform year-round if I could). The dress is about six years old (the first thing I ever bought from H&M) and the boots are Tarjay. Again, the hair is brought to you by Louisiana.ย 


Check out the photo post below for more NOLA.

27 thoughts on “Lar in the Garden (District)”

  1. Hello!! Thanks for your advice in my blog. It’s super welcome. It happens the same to my hair. I think we think it looks worst than what it does. You look good!

    B* a la Moda

  2. Oh I love the hair!
    Oh I want to go to NOLA!!!

    And about your comment, was that a formal invitation? I’d love to see your town and meet you!!! One day I really do hope to. You’re too sweet and LOL, thanks for not being “too” nice ๐Ÿ™‚

    You and Cath have a great time!!!

  3. Damn, Lar, great shots. I love the playful expression in the first shot. I would love to visit New Awwwrleans one day. These photos just push me more and more.

    You’re lucky you have wavy hair that you can take advantage of humidity. My hair is straight and kinks in any humidity. All my baby hairs stick up, too. Blessed.

  4. great pics above and below! humidity is my friend. its great for my hair and skin. i can’t live in dry climates.

    have fun ladies! make sure you eat beignets for me!

  5. you look stunning! i like the pattern of your dress and your bright wonderful smile ๐Ÿ™‚ and btw. love my new mac. its really great. have a great week sweetie!

  6. cute outfit! and lucky you with that hair! sometimes, on very rare occasion, mine will do that, but for the most part it is just frizz city. looks like you all are having a fantastic trip!


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