Au Revoir, Summer!



The end of summer is just a few days away- boohiss! I’m a fan of fall layers and crispy, colorful leaves and pumpkins and cider, but I’m really a Spring/Summer girl at heart. I like the heat and the sun and long days and short nights. Le sigh.


But I think I might have found an answer to my nostalgic summer woes: a beautiful new (and summery) outdoor chair from the 1960s to use year-round. Cath and I have a mid-century thing going on in our living room, so when I saw this at Kudzu Antiques on Saturday, I had to snatch it up. Isn’t that turquoise color awesome?! I’m pleased as punch! Any time this winter I start feeling a little blue about the cold, I’ll crank up the heat and sip something summery while sitting in my turquoise chair.

Happy Monday, ladies and gents! Hope this week treats you well!

21 thoughts on “Au Revoir, Summer!”

  1. Forget the chair–I’m drooling over the cheerful-looking turquoise fan! You captured the “farewell to summer” mood perfectly with the shot’s styling and your outfit.

  2. I wish I could live in your apartment! That chair looks so cute and comfy! I’m glad I live in a tropical environment because I love summer so much! xxooxxoo

  3. I love the photos and retro feel of this post! I feel all nostalgic for summer too and the turquoise shades in the chair and post is just lovely. Before you know it, you’ll fall in love with fall colours!

    Also, your comment made me laugh. Finding clothes for camping trips (not that I go on them ever) but when these things happen I always have to borrow out-doorsey things from my friends! Seeing as Walking boots and waterproof coats aren’t really part of my wardrobe!

  4. love the fan. It matches your awesome chair perfectly! And your pin up girl outfit is cute cute cute. Though I serioiusly doubt it ever gets cold enough in Atlanta to feel woeful.

  5. I think I was distracted by Franny&Zooey.but midcentury modern is the best!!! Is it bad that I don’t think I’ll miss summer all that much? Blame it on living in the midwest.although Spring is fun.

    ps. my sister makes both western and chinese all kinds of goodies. It was the best when she was in pastry school; all the croissants and chocolate I wanted.

  6. Great choice in books. I think I’m more of an autumn girl for fashion. I just love the layers and color better. With layers, you get to show off more of your favorite items! The shoe situation is more difficult when you’re constantly trying to avoid the puddles.

  7. i LOVE the way you styled this shoot- great job, ladies! perfect pose, perfect colors, perfect outfit and i like the little tease shot of the pink glasses and salinger <3

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