Lar’s Style: Buckles and Legs



‘Scuse me. I’m still drooling over these shoes that appeared on my doorstep this afternoon.

{Halt drooling momentarily}

Aren’t these rather reminiscent of the extremely coveted Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony booties. Only these weren’t $650! This is the best part! Guess how much I paid for these beauts (which are actually quite comfortable as far as 4.5 inch platforms go)? $13.99!!! No joke. Go get yourself a pair here.

{Commence drooling and simultaneous hand-clapping at sweet, sweet deals.}



Find of the year!

Hope you guys have something equally sweet to get you through the middle of the week.


30 thoughts on “Lar’s Style: Buckles and Legs”

  1. Oh my gosh!!! I lovesssss these. Sigh.why am I a 6-7.not an 8 πŸ™
    Haha, I just scrolled back up to *covet* them one last time.OK, one last time.OK.

  2. Oh wow! I actually thought they were the Opening Ceremony’s booties!! Great find:)
    I reckon you will be on cloud nine the entire week!

  3. Gorgeous.I just bought Jeffrey Campbells Potion boots (sold out EVERYWHERE) which are like that but more boot like (and real leather) and I am tres tres excited to get them!!!!! Those shoes rock on you btw but they are too high for me πŸ™

  4. those are so awesome.I love them!!!!! I totally know what you are talking about with the four little swans.I remember that feather monstrosity being so uncomfortable! I always loved that dance though.very fast, but so fun. I’m totally going to have the music in my head all day lol!

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