A trip to Mousehole in Cornwall








Matt and I have traveled around Scotland quite a bit, but apart from a few places in northern England and London, we hardly ever venture south of the border into England. So for our last hurrah in the UK (we move back to the States in early September), I thought it only right that we give southern England its due — or at least the West Country.

We stayed in a wee fishing village at the tippy tip of Cornwall called Mousehole (pronounced Mao-sul) because . it’s called Mousehole! Charmed already! Also I read somewhere that Dylan Thomas proclaimed it “the loveliest village in England.” Double charmed!

And Mousehole totally lived up to its storybook name: flower pots on window sills, cobbled streets too narrow for cars, and wee fishing boats bobbing in the harbour. My favourite bit was our lovely bedroom in the tiny cottage we rented via Airbnb. The window looked across the village into the sea. Everyone morning we would open the window and let the fresh sea air sweep over us as we had breakfast in bed — pretty much my idea of heaven.

6 thoughts on “A trip to Mousehole in Cornwall”

  1. Mousehole looks like the most quintessential English town ever! I love it! I’m sorry it wasn’t as warm as you wanted, but it looks like you got a little bit of sun!

    Also, I’m full on envious of your TopShop shoes. The more I see them in your pics, the more I want them!!! Fighting the urge to go online and get them now!

    Sometime we’ll make it to southern England together. We need to go to Brighton!

    xoxo, Cath

    1. I’m so glad you got the Topshop shoes, Cath! We can be twinsies when I’m back in Atlanta!

      I would LOVE to go to Brighton with you and tour JA land. And we have to go to Charleston/Bloomsbury. Time to start saving!!!


    1. Haha! Thanks, Diane! That is was like £10 at H&M a few years ago. I bet they have something similar this season ;D

  2. Love that dress. and the shoes! But where is that dress from?? Also, I would love to go here one day. Just gorgeous and oh so charming.


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