Dear Cath,

So obviously, this being apart thing is not getting easier, even though it’s been 9 (NINE!) months. Skype kind of works — so much better than the days of telephone cards and spotty emails. I know I should be grateful, but it’s just not quite enough is it? So I’m writing you a blog post instead because this way I can show you photos of all the things I mention, and forget to mention, when we are skyping (somehow I always get narcissistically distracted by my face on the skype videos — “sheesh! I look washed out and tired. maybe if I suck in my cheeks this way, I look better.”).

Like I told you, I think the best way to celebrate Matteo’s birthday is with some good food — especially food he doesn’t usually get to eat. So Friday night we went to Vietnam House for pho. I made him wear his birthday badge all day. Nobody noticed except for the masseuse who said “do you work for Salvation Army?”

Look at this feast, Kitcath! I haven’t had pho since leaving Atlanta and this was soooo wonderful! I actually preferred my vegetarian version to Matt’s beef broth. I could eat this every day.

I’m sure you are sick of my complaining about the cold and the rain, and it seems phoney too seeing as I only show photos like this on the blog:

When it is sunny, it is so beautiful, but still so cold and so windy. My brain gets confused because in Maryland and Georgia when you see cherry blossoms it means the cold days are banished until next winter. Not so here. These are tenacious cherries. They’ve been blossoming for about three weeks and weathered the hail, snow and intense wind gusts.

I am far less tenacious. I thought I would sneak a pair of sandals on my feet (the toes haven’t been out of woolie socks since September 21 when we left Atlanta), but I switched into my Frye boots before we ventured down to Thistle Street. I’m not sure if I can do cold feet and slip around in stilettos on cobblestone.

Primark blouse (bought in December before ethical guilt awakening) • thrifted Zara skinnies • Luxury Rebel shoes

Don’t you like this coral and cargo green together?

And zips on the side of these skinnies! I haven’t been to Zara in a while because they aren’t particularly ethical (not even making an attempt like H&M), so I’m glad I found these at a charity shop.

The more research I do on ethical shopping, the easier it seems to find clothes, but the harder it is to find reasonably priced, ethical foot wear. So the two shoes I’ve bought since being in Scotland are not in any way ethical. Cri de Coeur is the best option I’ve found so far, but it doesn’t work if you are looking for a specific kind of shoe. Like I told you, after watching Audrey Tautou in Delicacy I really wanted a pair of ballerinas with a short heel. And I found them, but they aren’t ethical (they came with me to a picnic on Saturday):

Saturday evening we went here for dinner (so fancy pancy). I don’t know whose bike that is. Maybe it’s always there to give Saint Honoré some street cred:

We were very un-vegetarian. Matt had paté and a meat pie. I had sardines and then salmon:

And then this for dessert!

Dark chocolate tart with lemon sorbet on top (aka Matt’s birthday cake, of which I ate half most).

And at the end of our three courses, we got coffee (which I haven’t had since December!) and they served it with their house Scottish tablet. I love that even though everything was so Frenchie, at the end they leave you with a bit of local sweetness.

Okay, so this still isn’t as satisfying as sitting next to you and telling you these things and showing you photos on my camera. But I guess it will have to do? Can you imagine if we had studied abroad apart? I would have been home faster than you can say twin power.

Miss you so, so, so much.



p.s. I am still trying to figure out how to cook with this and like it. Hopefully this week’s veg box won’t have one. I haven’t used last week’s and it’s making our pantry smell like celery — why can’t it smell like chocolate cake instead:

15 thoughts on “Dear Cath,”

  1. Lar- In my head this blog was going to say, “Cath- I haven’t seen you in 9 months so surprise! I bought a ticket and will be there on Tuesday!”
    Sadly, it didn’ say that. Why can’t it say that?

    1. Argh! Katie, that is a much better post! I so wish I could have written that and had it be true! Much better than photos of celeriac.
      Miss you!

  2. Dear Lar,

    If only you could come home for a nice long visit – or you know, just stay here forever! This blog post was the next best thing.

    I know it probably doesn’t feel like it to you, but it seems like you have the most adventurous life. I know you’re not hiking across the himalayas or swimming with sharks in god knows where, but you’re eating amazing food and picnicing in winter weather in a place that’s not your native homeland! And you look so beautiful too!

    I love, love, love those heels you purchased at shopbop! I’m totally over the platforms and chunky heels (although that’s all I own). And I can’t wait to see those ballet slippers on your feetsies!

    Those Zara pants fit you perfect and goodness how you and matt have lost weight (although neither one of you needed to)!

    While this blog in no way replaces us living in the city, I’m so glad we have it.

    xoxo, cath

    1. Oh gosh, me too! Whenever I see your posts, I feel like I can breath a little easier thinking “okay, that’s what Cath is up to back at home.” I don’t know why it’s so very comforting, but it really, really is.

      I feel the same way about platforms too! The other night Matt and I passed a shop with Louboutin platforms in the window– and I didn’t even like those. Clunk wedges and things are so hard to walk in too — so I hope the trend dies down a bit.

      And just so you can see it again:

  3. L, have you roasted the celery root? We roast it with garlic, kohlrabi, turnips, carrots, beets, and other root veggie goodies (after tossing lightly in olive oil, salt, pepper,rosemary, sage, and thyme). I think it’s about 40 minutes at 425 degrees Can you tell I love this dish? 🙂

    Miss you! Glad Matt had a good birthday!

    1. Genius, E! We do roast most of our root veggies, but I haven’t tried it with the celeriac — I totally will! It sounds durrrrlicious!

  4. I had “mashed celery root” at a restaurant in Athens and it was DE-LISH! I would guess they cut the outside off, chopped it into pieces and boiled it, then pureed it with lots of fattening things like butter, cream, and more cream. 🙂 Good luck cooking!


    1. Genius, Julia! I usually resort to adding cream and butter when I just can’t take the rootiness any more. I’m not sure how to be vegan and eat root vegetables.

  5. Lar – I lived in Germany for a while and boy do they love them some celeraic! It’s always a part of their “soup greens” package.

    I chopped it finely and sauteed with onion, garlic, leek, etc for a base in soup, spaghetti/tomato sauce.

    Good luck!

    (I live in Decatur and work for the DBF. I know Cath!)

    1. Hi Stephanie! That is a brilliant idea. I was actually planning on making some soup tonight with it (and butternut squash and potatoes) — so you’re comment is reassuring me 😉
      Thanks so much for reading, Stephanie! I love the DBF and will really miss it this year!

  6. Aw, Lar, this post was so sweet. I can’t imagine how you all are living apart from one another but reading posts like these are so special. (Mel and I still live together until one of us gets hitched!)

    The coral and cargo green combo is fab! Love how flowy that blouse is too. Your meal looks delish — mmm for salmon!

    xx, becs

  7. you are looking so fabulous, Lar! I love the coral +cargo together– that top is just ooooh lala pretty beyond words. and those heels— oh swoon! If I could only learn how to walk in heels! 🙂

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