We’re Back!

Thank you all for the sweet comments! Cath and I are safely moved (to our separate apartments), and my pneumonia is slowly but surely ebbing away. Our new branding is still in the works- just a few more tweaks from my code monkey and you’ll see our new site- woohoo!

In the meantime, this has been the AsianCajun world the last two weeks:

We live and die by Scoutmob’s daily local deals (non-locals, Scoutmob is going nationwide- check it out here). Today they featured our favorite jewelry designer June Shin, and she and the witty Scoutmobbers gave a nod to the AsianCajuns. Huzzah!

Saturday: the day of moving. We had six of the most wonderful people help us move- and they got it done in less than seven hours. They even did acrobatics for us (i.e. my bf and friends struggling to take down our long curtains, while I helpfully. take photos):

We’ve been trapped under boxes for the last week, so Cath and I have yet to see the latest S&TC movie. In the meantime we’ve talked about how SJP looks absolutely ravishing in her Halston Heritage– and we wish to gawd we could afford it (and travel to Abu Dhabi).

We’ve been listening to NPR’s The Moth Radio Hour. Our favorite so far? Vogue editor Joan Juliet Buck’s ghost story about her haunted Left Bank palace of an apartment. That’s her below wearing Yves Saint Laurent in the 80s. I’m against smoking, but I kind of want to just so I can keep one hand gloved. Listen to her story here.

This is not super-new news, but we are tres excited that Madewell is finally available on line. Bits and pieces taunted us at Shopbop, but now everything is available without schlepping to the mall. I’m also pleased as punch that they are little more diverse in their model selection. Even though we are supposedly living through an age of salads and melting-pots, the fashion industry (and many others) are still predominantly bland and un-melted.

And last, but not least. the most exciting news for me this past weekend. my bf bought me my first piece of art! As much as I really like shoes and clothes and food, I would give a lot of that up for real art. I am definitely not in the financial position to start collecting- or so I thought (leather platforms and fancy mac & cheese I can afford), but this weekend we stopped by the Decatur Fine Arts Exhibition. I’d been eying this painting for months (I’m the chair person for the show, so I got a little preview), and at $125, my bf swept me off my feet.

What do you guys think? She’s by Mary Pousner, and it’s entitled My Sweet Aberration.

I love her expression and the eyes in the sweet potato (or watermelon).

Is that enough babbling for one night? I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! I feel like summer has really started. What have you guys been up to? What are your summer plans?! Do tell (I have to live semi-vicariously through you all until my pneumonia is all gone- drat you, lungs!).

25 thoughts on “We’re Back!”

  1. This post is just a smorgasbord of wonderful things! Congratulations on the move (even though it’s sad that you and Cath have to be live apart πŸ™ or maybe I’m projecting because when I was a little girl–probably not unlike most little girls–I had so many dreams of living with my imaginary twin sister in the same house.) Now I’m the one who is babbling. I think your new painting is wonderful–I’ll have to check out Mary Pousner, and of course, Madewell (even though I shouldn’t!)


  2. I’m a huge fan of this post – so much jampacked goodness! I love that your bf helped you start your art collection πŸ™‚

  3. Thanks for reposting the scoutmob feature and congrats on your new digs! Those are some serious moves those guys are making. Are they for hire? :p

    1. Ooo the trick is, Jon, not to show them the beer until afterward (we learned the hard way too). We took the gang out for a pub dinner after the move, with a couple of rounds on us πŸ˜‰

  4. I redid my website so that it’s a style only site!

    Check it out!

    You guys are so lucky that you have so many friends to help you out!! I can’t wait to see what your apartments are going to look like!

    Mae, thereafterish.

  5. Oh how exciting! Your first piece of art! That is so grand! It’s going to look awesome in the new apartment.

    Also, thanks for the link to the JJ Buck story. Very cool.

    1. Oh I’m so glad you listened to the story, Emily! Isn’t it creepy? Cath and I are now convinced that both of our new apartments are haunted even though we live in the opposite of a left bank manor πŸ˜‰

  6. ps. thanks for the decor tip πŸ˜€ and yes we use to rasterbate embarrassing photos of friends for their bdays too! and of course a good picture too

  7. Oooh I haven’t visited for a little while and I am glad to read that both moves went well! I do hope that you’re back to full health soon Lar!

    Not too much planned for the summer as I still have lots of schoolwork to do.but I am going to Marrakesh, Morocco in 2 weeks! Just for a few days but I hear that was where SATC2 was filmed!

  8. It sounds like you had an awesomely big weekend! I haven’t seen the new SATC movie either. Reviews from movie buffs don’t seem so positive, but whatever, I’m there for the clothes and travel envy.

  9. Congrats on the artwork! That’s so fabulous.

    Man, that Halston Dress is off the hook. why can’t there by more sexy dressed with sleeves for us arm-challenged gals?

  10. Oooh, I’m going to listen to that Moth later. I’ve heard just about every This American Life episode but haven’t listened to Moth as much. That sounds intriguing

  11. I would guess sweet potato over watermelon. It suggested to me the line from Lewis Grizzard: Don’t bend over in the garden, Granny, you know them taters got eyes.

  12. lar: i dont have that many flannels- hihi. only two. or maybe three- hihi. youre so cute.
    wish you both a wonderful week- soon its weekend!!! yeyyey
    what are you up to?

  13. Oh I just love your new art. I am a collector of local artists work for a few years now and it started with a freind of a freind painting something for my then boyfreind – now husband – and he is still buying me art πŸ™‚ A huge supporter of ‘melting’ in the fashion industry slowly but surely it will happen. Halston. yes please!

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