Free Tees!

Our very talented friends at The Wren’s Nest (oldest house museum in Atlanta, home of Joel Chandler Harris, author of the Uncle Remus tales- you remember now, don’t you?) asked us to take a few shots of their t-shirts for their online store (click here to check our their shop).

Renaissance man (musician and photographer) Troy Cono took the photos of Cath- I love them! My handy remote took mine. Oh, I’m assuming you guys can tell us apart: Cath has the bangs and looks professionally photographed 😉





Oh and hey, didn’t I mention something about free tees? I’ll let Lain, executive director of The Wren’s Nest, explain it to you:

Read 5 Brer Rabbit stories, complete this form, and turn it in at the Wren’s Nest. We’ll give you your choice of t-shirt. Want to read 20 stories and collect all 4? That’s A-OK too (just not all at once! We gotta pay the bills, after all).

Too cool to read 5 Brer Rabbit stories? Shirts are $15. Don’t have any Brer Rabbit stories? Here, let’s get you some.


Now is that a deal or is that a deal? You get to read (book worms unite!) and you get a cute free tee for doing it!

Happy reading!!!

p.s. They come in children and adult sizes.

p.p.s. Speaking of tees, Cath and I will be hanging out with The Process and Esperanza guys tonight at the Graveyard Tavern. Locals, stop on by- let us know if and when you’re coming! We’d love to see you!


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